Monday, July 2, 2007

Cabinet Retreat

Yesenia, Yue Man, Emily and I with (my boss) Finance Minsiter Antoinette Sayeh

Finance Minister Antoinette Sayeh presenting a retrospective on the fiscal year

On Friday our intern team was (generously) invited by the President to the Cabinet Retreat, which was held at a Baptist retreat center and attended by members of her Cabinet . The all day event proved an incredibly memorable opportunity to be a fly on the wall of President Sirleaf's government and to see policymaking in action. My boss, Finance Minister Antoinette Sayeh, dazzled all of us with several excellent presentations on restrospectives and lessons from the fiscal year and on progress with poverty reduction deliverables. Overall, the day provided us all with quite a bit of food for thought and insights into policy.


Kate said...

dazzled with the presentations you helped to create in the episode recounted in your previous post! :)

Esben Agersnap said...

Hi Molly

Just a little greeting back from good old Delhi. Cool to see that you are making it out in the world on new adventures. I actually followed Sirleaf's election campaign against George Weah, and hoped for her to win. So pretty cool to see you with her on your blog. Good luck with it all, I'll keep reading here.